Latest Publications

We research all aspects of education and work, but we focus particularly on aspects that political debate often neglects: further education; vocational and technical education; apprenticeships and lifelong learning; in-work poverty.

Latest Publications:


Targeting Immigration: What does a good migration target look like?

This new briefing sets out the case for scrapping the Coalition’s immigration cap in favour of the SMF's preferred new target - an aims to increase public confidence in the immigration system by 2020.
Published: 26 February 2015
Author: Ben Richards

Employment, Skills and growth

This was prepared for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Inclusive Growth event The Good Economy, taking place on Wednesday 4 February 2015.
Published: 02 February 2015
Author: Emran Mian

Venturing Forth: Increasing high value entrepreneurship

What more can be done by policymakers to encourage more of the type of entrepreneurial activity that has the widest positive effect on the UK economy – what we term “high value entrepreneurship”.
Published: 15 July 2014
Author(s): Nida Broughton, Kitty Ussher

Open Access: An independent evaluation

Children who attend private school will earn £193,700 more on average in their early careers than their state educated peers, according to our new independent report which analyses the Sutton Trust's Open Access programme.
Published: 03 July 2014
Author(s): Nigel Keohane, Nida Broughton, Onyinye Ezeyi, Claudia Hupkau, Ryan Shorthouse

Making Progress: Boosting the skills and wage prospects of the low paid

Making Progress proposes a skills based in-work progression policy to help individuals stuck on low pay enhance their productivity and escape the low pay trap.
Published: 28 April 2014
Author(s): Nigel Keohane, Claudia Hupkau

Schools United: Ending the divide between independent and state

In this report Anthony Seldon outlines proposals aimed at ending the divide between state and independent schools, widening access to private education, bringing new money into the state system and reducing the domination of places at the top state schools by children from well off parents. His proposals are bold and above all they need political leadership and vision to bring them about.
Published: 19 January 2014
Author(s): Sir Anthony Seldon, Claudia Hupkau

Robbins Revisited: Bigger and Better Higher Education

In this pamphlet, the Minister for Universities and Science, the Rt Hon David Willetts MP, explores how the Robbins Report influences Government policy today and sets out his vision for the Higher Education system.
Published: 21 October 2013
Author: David Willetts

SMF Briefing: Interpreting Work Programme performance

This short briefing provides a guide to interpreting the official Work Programme figures when they are released. We examine what the likely performance levels will be, based on past performance; explore the impact both of the economic context and the set-up of the scheme; and, draw broad conclusions about what the data release will and will not allow us to conclude about this flagship Coaltion programme.
Published: 25 June 2013
Author: Social Market Foundation

SMF Briefing: The Introduction of Universal Credit

This SMF briefing gives a background to what will change under Universal Credit, sets out who will be affected, and highlights future issues of concern.
Published: 26 April 2013
Author: Social Market Foundation