Latest Publications
Work, Skills & Education
We research all aspects of education and work, but we focus particularly on aspects that political debate often neglects: further education; vocational and technical education; apprenticeships and lifelong learning; in-work poverty.
Latest Publications:
The jobs crisis and what to do about it
This report uses data from two previous recessions and the latest Ernst & Young ITEM Club economic growth forecasts to estimate what might happen to claimant count unemployment and the number of long-term unemployed in particular.
Published: | 22 April 2009 |
Author(s): | Ian Mulheirn, Rena Menne |
Flexible New Deal: Making it Work
In this report, the authors examine how likely the implementation of FND will be to succeed in four key areas: cost-effective commissioning; helping all jobseekers; preventing revolving door employment; and stimulating innovation in welfare-to-work provision.
Published: | 04 September 2008 |
Author(s): | Ian Mulheirn, Verena Menne |
Angloflexicurity: A safety net for the UK workers
This report argues that government, in cooperation with the private sector, can and should provide a safety net for the vulnerable middle class to counteract this trend.
Published: | 12 March 2008 |
Author(s): | Ann Rossiter, Verena Menne |
Staying the Course: Changes to the Participation Age and Qualifications
In this compelling collection of essays, leading education thinkers including Michael Barber, Alan Smithers, Mike Tomlinson and Alison Wolf consider these changes and debate their impact.
Published: | 03 March 2008 |
Author: | Conor Ryan |
Disability, Skills and Work: Raising our ambitions
This paper finds that improving the employment rate of disabled people to the UK average would boost the UK economy by £13 billion, equivalent to six months economic growth.
Published: | 01 June 2007 |
Author: | Social Market Foundation |
The New Demographics: Reshaping the world of work and retirement
The New Demographics: Reshaping the world of work and retirement analyses a number of false assumptions which underline our thinking about retirement and calls for a radical overhaul of employment and leadership models that will allow people to continue working.
Published: | 16 May 2007 |
Author: | Andrew Turnbull |
Poverty pay: How public sector pay fails deprived areas
This publications examines the next steps in modernising public sector pay. A major finding of the paper is that greater equity of service provision will rely on increased local variation in public sector pay within a national pay bargaining framework.
Published: | 10 May 2007 |
Author: | Robin Harding |
Practice Makes Perfect: The Importance of Practical Learning
This collection of essays bring together some of the foremost thinkers in this field to look at the evidence and the challenges facing policymakers. Writing on topics such as which skills matter, why do governments treat further education students like children, and does the education system teach the right skills, the contributors address the issues central to raising skills for young people and adults to world standards.
Published: | 27 March 2007 |
Author: | Social Market Foundation |
Delivering Full Employment: From the New Deal to personal employment accounts
This paper recommends that workless people be given a virtual budget - a personal employment account - instead of being enrolled in the current New Deal.
Published: | 22 February 2007 |
Author: | Steven Evans |