Latest Publications

We research all aspects of education and work, but we focus particularly on aspects that political debate often neglects: further education; vocational and technical education; apprenticeships and lifelong learning; in-work poverty.

Latest Publications:


Supporting disabled people into work – A view from London

This Social Market Foundation (SMF) report provides new evidence on the labour market outcomes of Londoners with a work limiting condition or disability.
Published: 01 May 2018
Author: Matthew Oakley

Productivity takes Leave? Maternity benefits and career opportunities of women in academia

In this paper, Vera Troeger, Research Theme Leader at the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy (CAGE) looks at the effect of maternity benefits on the career opportunities of women in academia.
Published: 17 April 2018
Author: Vera Troeger

Vocation, Vocation, Vocation

This report examines the current role vocational education plays in preparing young people for higher education, and how students can be helped to pursue the most appropriate learning and career path.
Published: 29 January 2018
Author(s): Nicole Gicheva, Kathryn Petrie

On course for success? Student retention at university

This report, kindly supported by UPP Foundation, analyses the factors that affect student drop-out rates from universities across England.
Published: 19 July 2017
Author(s): Kathryn Petrie, Nigel Keohane

Commission on Inequality in Education

This report reviews the evidence on inequality in education across time and observes how little it has changed, and in some cases how the situation has actually worsened over time.
Published: 13 July 2017
Author(s): Rt Hon Nick Clegg, Rebecca Allen, Suella Braverman MP, Sam Freedman, Stephen Kinnock MP

Rules of Engagement

This report envisages a future where no matter how the work is performed there is greater evenness in tax treatment and in associated rights
Published: 20 June 2017
Author: Nigel Keohane

Social Market Foundation: Immigration briefing

For many politicians, the British electorate’s hostility to immigration at its current level and in its current form is taken as a given, a simple unchangeable fact.  The assumption that...
Published: 05 June 2017
Author: James Kirkup

Rising to the Challenge: the Further Education and skills sector over the next decade

The report argues that maximising FE and skills’ ability to boost the technical skills of British workers, young and old, should be an urgent priority for politicians
Published: 26 April 2017
Author: Nigel Keohane

Show and tell: Sharing the benefits of skilled immigration

In this paper the SMF calls for the government’s new Immigration Skills Charge to be used to fund an expanded Controlling Migration Fund.
Published: 06 April 2017
Author: James Kirkup