Latest Publications

We publish research reports and briefing papers under the following five main categories. Click a category below or use the search box to find what you are looking for.


A level of uncertainty: How to resolve the debate over the future of Level 7 apprenticeships

While critics are keen to present the Government’s proposed shift away from funding Level 7 apprenticeships (equivalent to a Master’s degree) as worsening social mobility and employer flexibility, former government adviser Tom Richmond presents novel analysis that challenges these concerns – and puts forward a set of recommendations that prioritise the best interests of apprentices and taxpayers.
Published: 09 January 2025
Author: Tom Richmond

How should regulators balance competition, economic growth and other political priorities?

Some business leaders fear competition policy and regulation are jeopardising the government’s economic growth mission. Former CMA Strategy Director and Downing Street Special Adviser Stuart Hudson explores whether there is a trade-off and, if so, how the tensions can be resolved.
Published: 16 December 2024
Author: Stuart Hudson

Network failure: How the UK can meet its 5G ambitions

A “new deal for 5G” is needed to tackle the causes of the 5G infrastructure investment gap, and catapult the UK to the global frontier for 5G connectivity. This report sets out the complex challenges driving the investment gap in 5G and presents a package of complementary measures which, if implemented together, can deliver the high-quality 5G network the UK needs in order to reap extensive economic and social benefits.
Published: 11 December 2024
Author(s): Richard Hyde, John Asthana Gibson

Laying the foundations: How to support SMEs to take on apprentices in skilled trades

This report explores the key enablers and barriers for SMEs in taking on more young apprentices in skilled trade roles, including green jobs. It presents new panel data on the attitudes of trades firms, incorporating insights from interviews with skilled trade workers. Additionally, it discusses policy solutions to support these businesses in effectively increasing their apprentice intake.
Published: 05 December 2024
Author(s): Niamh O Regan, Jake Shepherd

Care and Learning in Higher Education: How society and universities can support care experienced and estranged students to succeed

There is growing recognition that society’s obligations to care experienced and estranged young people involves getting more of them successfully through higher education. However, the promise of support often doesn't match reality. This report explores the gaps in support for care experienced and estranged students, and suggests actionable ways to ensure that support is more consistently available.
Published: 02 December 2024
Author(s): Aveek Bhattacharya, Dani Payne

In the blink of an AI: Clearing the backlog in UK public services

Artificial intelligence and automation are ideally suited to do many of the tasks that public servants in user-facing roles currently spend hours managing. This report outlines the benefits the civil service and public sector can reap by further integrating AI and automation, as well as the time savings available to the public which use them.
Published: 27 November 2024
Author(s): Sam Robinson, Gideon Salutin

From backwater to battleground: The political importance of joined-up immigration and skills policy in the UK

To address seeming ‘overreliance’ on international labour, the Labour government’s big idea is more joined-up policy on immigration and skills. This briefing sets out why this approach is unlikely to deliver lower levels of immigration, but how it can still be a political success by showcasing immigration as not only supplementing, but supporting, local skills.
Published: 25 November 2024
Author: Jonathan Thomas

Carefully, compassionately: Canadian lessons on assisted dying

Objectors to assisted dying policy often cite Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) programme to exemplify the danger of doing so, including concerns about due process and eligibility. The following briefing is designed to evaluate where Canada has gone wrong, why it should not deter policymakers in Britain, and how we learn from Canadian mistakes to ensure assisted dying can be safe.
Published: 11 November 2024
Author: Gideon Salutin

A capital idea? A change of approach to helping small firms to increase their investment

SMEs will have a key role in closing the UK’s investment gap with other economies. However, to ensure that SMEs can make such a contribution a more strategic policy approach towards SME investment is needed – one that goes beyond the focus on corporation tax rate and more generous capital allowances.
Published: 23 October 2024
Author: Richard Hyde