The UK's ambitious decarbonisation targets bring with them a range of opportunities and challenges, varying in scale and by nature across different places. This report presents new analysis of the local-level risks and opportunities associated with efforts to reach Net Zero by 2050.
As part of this research, we have created Opportunity and Disruption Indices, which rank the impact of the Net Zero transition across local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales based on a range of sub-measures. These two indices are also combined to categorise each local authority as either a high/low opportunity and high/low disruption area. You can search interactive versions of the indices and maps below.
Update on 20th September 2021: Authors updated the analysis due to a data input error in the proximity to top 20 university for STEM research sub-measure of the Opportunity Index. As a result, the region of West Midlands and some local authorities within the region now have a higher overall Opportunity Index ranking.