Tag Archives: Poverty and Social Mobility

Press & Media

PRESS RELEASE: Mid-life income squeeze a barrier to higher UK savings rate, finds new poll

The mid-life income squeeze faced by households aged between 35-44 leads almost half (48%) of those who stop saving into a pension do so because of cash flow troubles according to exclusive polling in a new report from leading think tank the Social Market Foundation.
Published: 12 December 2014
Press & Media

SMF Autumn Statement reaction: Osborne balances the pre-election tax give and take, but skips over the painful spending cuts to come

This is an intensely political Autumn Statement with an economic argument behind it. The future course of deficit reduction is specifically designed in order to underline the Conservatives’ long term...
Published: 03 December 2014
Press & Media

Press Release: Private school premium of £194,000 revealed in new report

Children who attend private school will earn £193,700 more on average in their early careers than their state educated peers, according to a new independent report by the Social Market...
Published: 03 July 2014
Press & Media

Press Release: Radical reforms needed to make Britain a meritocracy says Conservative MP Dominic Raab

The government must do more to “widen ladders of opportunity, smash glass ceilings and back the British underdog” says Conservative MP Dominic Raab in his new pamphlet The Meritocrat’s Manifesto, to be published by the Social Market Foundation (SMF) think tank on Wednesday 11th June.
Published: 08 June 2014
Press & Media

Press Release: Low pay ‘trap’ and lack of skills holding back UK’s global competitiveness

Advancing the skills of low-paid workers is essential if the UK is to make work pay and remain globally competitive says the Social Market Foundation (SMF) in its new report, Making Progress: Boosting the skills and wage prospects of the low paid, released on Monday 28 April 2014.
Published: 28 April 2014
Press & Media

Press Release: Squeeze on living standards is being exaggerated, says leading think tank

A new report, 'Riders on the Storm: Britain’s middle income households since 2007', launched by the Social Market Foundation on Monday 7th April, suggests that the squeeze on living standards is being exaggerated.
Published: 07 April 2014
Press & Media

Press Release: SMF response to Budget 2014 – Not hard enough on productivity push

The Social Market Foundation's response to the 2014 Budget statement.
Published: 19 March 2014
Press & Media

Press Release: A new wave of radical education reform is needed to end Britain’s educational divide

A new phase of radical education reform is needed to end Britain’s educational divide by opening up independent schools to the most disadvantaged, and by charging affluent parents who want to send their children to popular state schools, says the UK’s most prominent headteacher, Anthony Seldon, in a new report published by the Social Market Foundation today.
Published: 19 January 2014
Press & Media

The forgotten bank of mum and dad

We tend to think of the ‘bank of mum and dad’ as being about better-off families helping their children through university or with the cost of a wedding. This is certainly widespread. But a report launched today by the Social Market Foundation reveals it is a prevalent and often forgotten source of support among low income families too.
Published: 25 October 2013
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