Tag Archives: Poverty and Social Mobility
Press & Media
Frontbench Labour MP attacks Government’s ‘soft’ approach to ‘work-shy’
Former advisor to Gordon Brown, John Woodcock MP, today criticises the Coalition Government for taking too soft a line with unemployed benefit claimants. Woodcock argues that 'work for your benefit' programmes should be mandatory and permanent for long-term jobseekers.
Published: | 09 February 2011 |
Press & Media
Make high flying public servants look after their own retirement while protecting the low paid, says think tank
To pass the tests of fairness, sustainability and adequacy of retirement provision, the SMF argues that Lord Hutton's review of public sector pensions should promote a system that shifts the most pension risk onto the highest earning public sector employees.
Published: | 15 December 2010 |
Press & Media
Rhetoric doesn’t match reality for working parents following cuts announced by the Chancellor
Parents will find work less financially rewarding following the Comprehensive Spending Review says the Social Market Foundation.
Published: | 20 October 2010 |
Press & Media
Bank of Mum and Dad to save better-off students up to £12,000 under Browne proposals
Today's proposals for student finance from the Browne Review will leave graduates who borrow through the Browne system with a growing burden of student debt, while better-off students can opt out of the loans system saving thousands of pounds in interest.
Published: | 12 October 2010 |
Press & Media
Students should no longer take out loans or pay upfront for their tuition
Students should no longer take out loans or pay upfront for their tuition, the Social Market Foundation (SMF) proposes today, in a radical new funding system for financing undergraduate degrees at universities.
Published: | 09 October 2010 |
Press & Media
Student fees of £7000 would mean middle income graduates to pay back more than the better off
Raising fees to £7000 will be unaffordable for the Government unless it removes the current subsidised interest rates the independent think tank the Social Market Foundation has warned.
Published: | 14 September 2010 |
Press & Media
New reforms welcome but risk people getting stuck in part time work, says think tank
The Government's announcement today on its benefit reform plans sets out an ambitious agenda for reform but raises questions that must be answered if it is to be successful.
Published: | 30 July 2010 |
Press & Media
Poor will be hit hardest unless Government slashes universal benefits and the NHS ringfence
The Social Market Foundation, a leading UK think-tank, has today provided a first response to the Government's call for ideas to fix the debt crisis in a new report, Axing and Taxing: How to cut the deficit, which concludes that the budget deficit cannot be fixed without substantial tax rises, cuts to the NHS budget and an end to universal benefits.
Published: | 11 June 2010 |