Commentary & Podcasts


The Government’s rowing back on net zero will cost families more – thousands more, in fact

Rishi Sunak claims that rowing back on key net zero policies will be saving households money - but is this true? In this blog, we provide cost-benefit analysis of Sunak’s announcements EVs, home energy efficiency and boilers - showing that ultimately families will end up paying thousands more.

Published: 21 September 2023
Author(s): Niamh O Regan, Gideon Salutin

Use it or lose it: The government should use the £1.5bn Immigration Skills Charge proceeds for their proper purpose

The latest figures show that the Immigration Skills Charge (ISC) has raised almost £1.5 billion in revenue since its introduction. In this blog, Jonathan Thomas argues that the government should be clear that it is devoting these funds towards the ISC’s stated aim of addressing skills gaps in the UK workforce, rather than allowing them to disappear into an all-purpose black hole.

Published: 19 September 2023
Author: Jonathan Thomas

Canary Wharves in the Coal Mines: How Investment Zones can improve productivity outside of London

In the Spring Budget, Jeremy Hunt re-introduced a plan for investment zones, claiming that they will create "mini Canary Wharves' across the UK. In this blog, Gideon Salutin argues that without additional funding and bold action on fiscal devolution, the Chancellor's claim is unrealistic.

Published: 04 August 2023
Author: Gideon Salutin

The green (s)crap: SMF responds to Government weakening of MEES

From speaking to landlords, we know that their greatest obstacle (and simultaneously, their greatest motivator) on going green is regulation. Postponing stricter energy efficiency requirements would be a mistake – jeopardising both the Government’s commitment to net zero and better housing.

Published: 28 July 2023
Author: Niamh O Regan

Helping Britain back to work: how a Labour government would transform the Department for Work and Pensions. A speech by Jonathan Ashworth MP

The SMF hosted a speech and discussion with Jonathan Ashworth MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Work and Pensions on the 11 July 2023. This is the speech in full, with Jonathan sharing his vision for the future of the DWP.

Published: 11 July 2023

Preventing repossession: Revisiting mortgage safety nets in the current crisis

The recent surge in mortgage rates is making it increasingly difficult for homeowners to repay their loans. In the worst case, this can lead to repossession, with mortgage holders across the country now at risk of losing their homes. This blog by Jake Shepherd explores measures the government could take to strengthen the UK’s mortgage safety net, revisiting previous SMF research on the topic.

Published: 06 July 2023
Author: Jake Shepherd
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