Commentary & Podcasts


Our patchy careers education system lets too many children down – there’s a better way

The careers support provided to young people and adults is far from perfect, argue Aveek Bhattachrya and Niamh O Regan. But a new Education Select Committee report, drawing on the Social Market Foundation's research, shows there is growing consensus on the way forward.

Published: 30 June 2023
Author(s): Aveek Bhattacharya, Niamh O Regan

Dropping universal free school meals plan would be a false economy

The Labour Party is under pressure to commit to universal free school meals for primary school children. This blog by Lee Crawfurd explores the international literature on universal free school meal programs, finding that they are cost-effective and have long-lasting benefits.

Published: 28 June 2023
Author: Lee Crawfurd

What is missing from Labour’s social care blueprint? A Royal College of Care Workers

Plans for a National Care Service are more than a decade old, but little have come out of them. Meanwhile, demand for adult social care is growing, it is not being matched by nearly enough workers in the sector. Matthew Ball, writes in a personal capacity, setting out how to ensure that social care becomes the respected and desirable profession it ought to be.

Published: 14 June 2023
Author: Matthew Ball

Fraud Strategy: the right target but not enough fire power

The new fraud strategy from the government is a welcome recognition that fraud is a significant problem facing the country, but the details suggest the Government does not fully appreciate the scale of the task ahead, argues Richard Hyde.

Published: 03 May 2023
Author: Richard Hyde

Putting social mobility on the agenda. A speech by Alison McGovern MP

The SMF hosted a speech and discussion with Alison McGovern MP, Shadow Minister for Employment on the 27 April 2023. This is the speech in full, with Alison sharing her vision for the years ahead and how to ensure opportunities are spread evenly across the country.

Published: 02 May 2023

All work and no play? Cultural participation should become a key focus for social mobility

Social mobility is rarely – if ever – measured by looking at the social and cultural divides between the rich and poor. However, as John Asthana Gibson argues, if the government is serious about their social mobility agenda, it should focus on building our children’s social and cultural capital.

Published: 26 April 2023
Author: John Asthana Gibson
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